Year: 2016

School’s Behavior Expectations

School’s Behavior Expectations

  At this school we are committed to creating an environment that is not only about academic excellence, but also about relationships and creating community, one that is safe for and respectful of ALL its members. This is how we are expected not to behave. We all...

Anti-Bullying Behavior Pledge

Anti-Bullying Behavior Pledge

To further support our on-going efforts to address bullying behavior our District will join with hundreds of schools, colleges, and businesses on the first day of school (or first couple of days pending logistical concerns in the schools) and take a pledge against...

Back to school: You Can Do It!

Back to school: You Can Do It!

I know how students feel these days because, believe it or not, I was a student once! I also know how the parents feel because, believe it or not, I was and still is a parent! I know that students prefer the words "School is out" than the words "back to school!"...

Students can still apply to the AVID program.

Students can still apply to the AVID program.

There are still a few spots available in the AVID program at Stout Middle School for both 7th and 8th grade students for the upcoming school year. The AVID program is a college readiness program that provides students with the skills to be successful in middle school,...

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Stout Daily Bulletin

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Stout Daily Bulletin

The activities that take place in your kids'classrooms or school are getting less and less as we get closer to June 16, the end of the 2015-2016 School year. However, if you are still interested in knowing these activities, then just click on the following link:...

To Sir with Love

To Sir with Love

Here is the theme song and the lyrics from the movie To Sir With Love dedicated to all of our teachers at Stout and Dearborn Public Schools.   The time has come for closing books and long last looks must end. And as I leave, I know that I am leaving my best...

Grade 7 and 8 Wheels Assembly

Grade 7 and 8 Wheels Assembly

              Grade 7 and Grade 8 Wheels Assembly took place on the morning of Friday, June 10, 2016. Mr. Lambdin and Ms. Rancillio played the hosts. Many gifts were distributed to the worthy winners including a three 24" and...

6th and 7th Grade Awards Assemblies

6th and 7th Grade Awards Assemblies

          The 6th and 7th Grade Awards assembly for the school year 2015 - 2016 were held on Monday, June 13, 2-016 at Stout Middle School auditorium. The Principal awards - signed by President Obama were distributed to the students who...