Year: 2016

19th District Court Contest

19th District Court Contest

Test your writing skills by joining the 19th District Court - in partnership with the Dearborn Rotary Club - citywide contest as the high point of Dearborn's annual "Law Day"observance. The first place essay of each grade (5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th) will receive a $100...

Stout at the AVID/Pistons Careers Seminar

Stout at the AVID/Pistons Careers Seminar

On Wednesday, March 16, 2016, Stout's Avid students, along with Mr. Haddad, Mr. Lambdin, Mr. Liggett, Ms. Rancillio, Ms. Woolley, and Ms. Wooton , enjoyed a field trip to the Pistons field as a part of the AVID/PISTONS Career Seminar. They even got to shoot some hoops...

Learn and Feed the Hungry

Learn and Feed the Hungry

A great web site that helps the kid learn and donate RICE to countries that need it, all at the same time! An Internet game in which a website named -  founded by the United States fundraising pioneer John Breen - donates 10 grains of rice to the United...

Stout Annual Spelling Bee: March 22

Stout Annual Spelling Bee: March 22

The Stout Annual Spelling Bee will be held on Tuesday, March 22, and the following students will be participating: 7th. Graders 8th. Graders Hassan Albustani Iman Aboumourad Jood Altaii Zeinab Alhashemi Abdullah Mohamed Kadhim Alhussainawi Muhamed Alzuad Kaid Elhaj...

Parent Teacher Conferences: Tuesday, March 15

Parent Teacher Conferences: Tuesday, March 15

Today, Tuesday, March 15, 2016 is the Parent Teacher Conferences Day. Parents can come to Stout middle School Cafeteria between 4:00 and 7:00 pm and talk to their children’s teachers about the kids’ academic achievements, behavioral problems, or things that stand in...

3/14 is Pi Day

3/14 is Pi Day

Today, is Monday, March 14. Written as 3/14 or 3.14, it represents Pi and so  it is called Pi day (not Pie). So what is the story of Pi the symbol? Here is a link that tells you some of the story! the Story of Pi