Month: May 2017

Congratulations ‘Stout Spellers’

Congratulations ‘Stout Spellers’

The 13th Annual Stout Spelling 'Bee' was held on Thursday, May 18, 2017. Thirty students from grades 6-8 competed in a 90 minute contest of brains and nerves.  8th grader Zeinab Issa took first place honors and 6th grader Hadeel Mawiri received second place.  

Texas Girl Chokes on Fidget Spinner Part

Texas Girl Chokes on Fidget Spinner Part

(CNN) Fidget spinners are driving many adults crazy, but one Texas woman is warning about her daughter's dangerous experience. The mother is sharing her experience in hopes it will serve as a warning to other parents about the choking hazards of the latest toy craze....