Month: May 2017

Fidget Spinners: A Letter to the Parents

Fidget Spinners: A Letter to the Parents

Fidget spinners have been a huge distraction lately. As a result, students are no longer allowed to bring fidget spinners to school. If a student brings a fidget spinner to school, it will be sent to the office and can be picked up by a parent or on the last day of...

Spirit Week Assembly Fun

Spirit Week Assembly Fun

The Spirit Week Assembly that occurred on Friday, May 5th, 2017 was fun. Here are some pictures to prove it. Click on any image to enlarge it.                                    ...

Students’ Corner

Students’ Corner

  Sabeha Alnakash quoted Albert Camus as saying: “Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead. Walk beside me… just be my friend.” An amazing quote that shows the importance of friendship.  

Students’ Corner

Students’ Corner

  Here is the quote that Amani Alozair wanted to share with all of you: “You haven't failed until you quit trying!” That’s the attitude; NEVER GIVE UP!