Year: 2017

Student’s Corner

Student’s Corner

  Amani AlOzair shared this amazing quote: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow, and learn as if you were to live forever!” This is a  great quote that balances present and future.

Teachers’ Corner

Teachers’ Corner

Mrs. Sabra quoted American-Lebanese writer Kahlil Gibran as saying: “No man can reveal to you aught (anything) but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge." In simple words, you can’t bring to the surface what doesn’t exist. So if you get...

Art Gallery & Auction in April

Art Gallery & Auction in April

Edsel Ford High School's Interact Club is planning an event that will consist of an art gallery and auction It will take place sometime in April. The Club is looking for pieces of art to put on display as well as any unwanted items/donations that will be sold, either...