Month: June 2018

6th Graders 2017-2018 Honors Assembly

6th Graders 2017-2018 Honors Assembly

6th Graders had their Honors Assembly on Tuesday, 11, 2018. Certificates and awards were given to students who worked hard to achieve them. The school principal, Mr. Oke and assistant principal Ms. Cizek acknowledged the students' achievement and greeted them on...

Students’ Corner

Students’ Corner

Marya Abdullah quoted Albert Einstein comparing logic to imagination: “Logic will take you from A to Z. Imagination will take you everywhere!” Imagine that!

7th Graders 2018 Wheels Assembly

7th Graders 2018 Wheels Assembly

Click on Wheels 7th-8th Grade 2018-01 to watch a short clip of the assembly. 7th and 8th Graders had their Wheels Assembly on Friday, 08, 2018. Mrs. Crechiolo and her partner in crime, counselor Haddad along with the ever-behind-the-scene Mrs. Schulkey ran the show...

6th Graders 2018 Wheels Assembly

6th Graders 2018 Wheels Assembly

6th Graders had their Wheels Assembly today, Friday, 08, 2018. Humorous Mr. Hool and his buddy, Mr. Haddad along with the ever-behind-the-scene Mrs. Schulkey ran the show smoothly and were as cool as the other side of the pillow. Students were recognized for their...