Year: 2018

Battle of the Books is back!

Battle of the Books is back!

"BoB" is baaaaaaccckk!!! This year's Battle of the Books competition is ready to begin. If you would like to participate, do the following: Assemble your team; Fill out a registration form (available with your Language Arts teacher or in the media center); Turn it in...



Nader Ahmed, a 7th grader, had this perspective on mistakes: “In life, like in school, you make mistakes, but you learn from them!” Just like learning how to walk...

GeoBee is back: Friday, January 25, 2019

GeoBee is back: Friday, January 25, 2019

GeoBee is back, so get ready and register by Friday, January 18, 2018 to take part in the contest that will be held on Friday, January 25, 2018. Bring to the Team Meeting Room all the countries, cities, mountains, rivers, volcanoes, planets, and all other things that...



Theodore Matta, a 6th grader, explained that his chosen quote simply means that helping others lifts you up and makes you feel better. “By doing simple acts of kindness for others, we can’t help but lift ourselves up too!”

Students’ Corner

Students’ Corner

This is what Lena Safi wanted to share with us about friends: "Always, Always, Always, your best friends leave the school and leave you alone, but they still love you and you still love them.”

Buy your November issue of the Falcon Flyer

Buy your November issue of the Falcon Flyer

Students can buy their copy of the Falcon Flyer's November issue for $1.00 at breakfast or at lunch. We will sell copies November 14th through November 20th. There are 14 pages of comics, memes, sports, crafts, recipes, and more! Students who purchase a copy may enter...

A picture worth a million words

A picture worth a million words

I was walking in one of the school's halls when I noticed 3 students walking and talking in such harmony. I couldn't help asking them if I could take a picture and post it on our school's blog. They asked me why, and I explained that their three natural hair colors -...