Year: 2019

Stout Open House: Wednesday Sept. 11th, 2019

Stout Open House: Wednesday Sept. 11th, 2019

Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 will be our annual Open House. Parents are invited to attend an important meeting from 5:30pm to 6:00 pm in the auditorium with our administrators. From 6:00pm-7:30pm parents will get to visit their child's classrooms and teachers in...

A Court Yard Lunch with a friend

A Court Yard Lunch with a friend

Tia Hammoud and Nora Sufyan (6 graders) won 2 Court Yard Lunches with two of their friends. And so, instead of sitting in a crowded room, they got to enjoy their lunch quietly in the courtyard on a beautiful sunny day. Well, if they can do it, so can you! Good...

8th annual Cipriano Run: October 11

8th annual Cipriano Run: October 11

The 8th annual Robert Cipriano Memorial CC Run is Friday, October 11th, 2018 at Ford Field Park, Dearborn.  It is hosted by Dearborn Public Schools and Dearborn Education Foundation in partnership with Dearborn Recreation & Parks and the Dearborn Track...

School Picture Day Tuesday, Oct. 1st, 2019

Dress nicely for your picture day. Your grandparents or parents will show it to relatives and friends. They might even post it on Facebook or Instagram. You certainly do not want to be embarrassed.Order school pictures on before Picture...

Looking for Student Leaders!

Looking for Student Leaders!

Once again, Stout 7th and 8th grade students will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills on the Superintendent & Executive Directors’ Student Advisory Council (SEDSAC). Stout SEDSAC members will meet regularly with our Executive Director, Dr. Chochol,...