If you are interested in joining the 2019-2020 Stout Middle School sideline cheer or competitive cheer team, there is a mandatory meeting on Wednesday June 12th at 4pm. The meeting will be held at Stout Middle School in Coach Wheble's room (Room C-8). Please email...
Year: 2019
Dearborn Closures, Delays For Memorial Day 2019
Memorial Day 2019 is coming up and that means residents will notice delays and closures around Dearborn. Memorial Day is Monday, May 27. Here's what you need to know about what that means in Dearborn: Trash delays For the week of May 27 - 31, Dearborn's trash pickup...
Change to Miss Zoratti’s Tutoring Next Week
Miss Zoratti tutoring for next week will be on Tuesday, May 28th instead of Wednesday, May 29th. Thanks
Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Stout Daily Bulletin
Here is your copy of Stout Daily Bulletin for Wednesday, May 15, 2019. Bulletin 05-21-2019
Future Dearborn High Football Meeting: Tuesday, May 28
Stout 8th Graders going to Dearborn high and interested in playing football will have a meeting Tuesday, May28th, in the auditorium. The meeting will be from 2:30 to 2:50.
Our Weekly Falcon Fund Winners
Here are our weekly Falcon Fund winners. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any vouchers for Grade 7. May be next week??? As usual, the winners can select one of our three privileges: Front of Line during Lunch for a week; Headphones during Lunch for a week; Wear a hat all...
Enjoying an outdoor class
Stout students enjoying an outdoor class.
Track Team Final 2 Meets: May 22, 29
Stout Track Team final two meets will take place on: Wednesday, May 22 versus Smith @ Smith, leaving Stout at 2:00 pm. Wednesday, May 29for All City Meet, leaving Stout at 11am after eating lunch with sixth grade students at 10:36 am. Go Falcons!
Enjoy a night at the opera!
For everything you've done this year in the classroom and for your school, we would like to offer tickets to the Friday, May 17, 7:30PM performance of The Grapes of Wrath for the special discount price of just $25. Expires Thursday, May 16, at 11:59PM. TO GET YOUR $25...
Wednesday, May 15, 2019 Stout Daily Bulletin
Here is your copy of Stout Daily Bulletin for Wednesday, May 15, 2019. Bulletin 05-15-2019