I want to inform the Stout community that our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Hanaa Faraj, will assume the position of Interim Principal at Geer Park Elementary School starting on Monday, February 14, 2022. The Stout staff and students will miss Mrs.Faraj tremendously while...
Year: 2022
What Do Students Do After Stout?
Hello 8th Grade Parents, you are invited to join the third session to learn more about the many options Dearborn Public Schools offers for high school students. Join the live virtual session tonight on Feb. 9th at 5 p.m....
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
One of Michigan State University’s Women in Engineering’s biggest events, Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day, is this month on February 26th. It is for 4th- 8th graders, and student groups always have really cool activities for the kids to try out. I highly...
No School Friday, February 4
Due to inclement weather, all Dearborn Schools are closed on Friday, February 4 2022. بسبب سوء الأحوال الجوية ، يتم إغلاق جميع مدارس ديربورن يوم الجمعة ، 4 فبراير 2022

Snow Days -No School on Wednesday and Thursday
Greetings, Due to the approaching winter storm, all Dearborn Public Schools will be closed on Wednesday, February 2 and Thursday, February 3, 2022. All students and staff will not participate in virtual or on-line classes. The District is closed for...
Important Dates to Know
Hello Parents, Here are some important dates to mark on your calendars: February 18, 2021- No school for students February 21, 2022 - No school for students February 22, 2022- No school for students March 1, 2022 will be a "Remote learning day" for students in...

Order Your Stout Yearbook
Deadline to order is March 24. Use this link to order: ybpay.com and use the ID code 14601122 to order your Stout yearbook.
Your Student’s Mental & Emotional Well-being
At Stout, we adhere to the WSCC (whole school, whole community, whole child) model supported by the CDC and our local intermediate school district, Wayne-RESA. To further that support, we are excited to offer families presentations during our February 7th “Coffee with...
DCMST taking applications from 8th graders for next school year
Dearborn Schools residents - know an eighth grader who is especially interested in technology, math or science? The Dearborn Center for Math, Science, and Technology (DCMST) is now accepting applications! There will be an informational meeting via Zoom for...
A Message From Our Superintendent
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IVQcuGIPTZL2AIjKb1AbHblJCMpODN4dm5MvsTxo-FY/edit Please click on the link to read a message from Dr. Glenn Maleyko.