Behavior Intervention (Detention/Restorative Hours)

Students who violate the student code of conduct or fail to comply with classroom expectations may be assigned after-school behavior intervention.

  • Administrators, counselors, the restorative practices facilitator, or office staff may sign students up for the detention room/restorative hours.
  • Students must bring school work, any materials required to complete that work, and a SSR (sustained silent reading) book with them to the detention room. Students must have everything they need with them before entering the room.
  • Once students have signed in, they must stay for the duration of the behavior intervention session.
  • Failure to attend an assigned session may result in an additional session (plus the rescheduled original session).

Teacher                      Room              Days                                       Times

Mr. Serazio                    F9                 Tuesday & Thursday              3:00 – 4:50