New Tardy Procedures

Dear Parents,

Today, we implemented new tardy procedures. Previously, students received a consequence starting with their 8th cumulative tardy of the marking period. Despite having two additional minutes between classes this school year, we have seen an increase in tardies.

Last Wednesday, we held assemblies with each grade-level to explain the new tardy procedures. For the new procedures, we will be focusing on the number of tardies in individual classes instead of the cumulative number of tardies.

  • Students will be responsible for tracking their tardies in each class on a poster or in a binder. Students will have to initial next to their name on the poster/in the binder whenever they are late to class.
  • Teachers will provide students with a warning upon reaching their 3rd tardy in a class.
  • On the 4th tardy, students will be referred to the office for a consequence.

As we transition into these new procedures, students who already have three or more tardies in a class will receive a warning from their teacher. Teachers may also be contacting you if your child has three or more tardies in their class. Please note that your child’s attendance, including the number and dates of both tardies and absences, can be viewed on Parent Connect. If you do not have access to Parent Connect, please contact the office for assistance.

Regular attendance and being on-time are important life skills. Please support us by encouraging your student to be in class and on-time on every day.

Thank you,

Mr. Oke