Virtual Attendance Procedures

Dear Parents, 

Our new schedule has officially been in effect for 3 weeks now. We believe the revised schedule has been successful with it’s intended purpose of more live instruction for students with their teachers. Please continue to encourage and support your child by ensuring they attend ALL live sessions and complete any classwork assigned to them. We will continue to take attendance for each session as we would if we were in-person, documenting and making phone calls regarding absences when necessary. We appreciate your continued support in calling the office to report an absence for your child.

Additionally, it is critical that your child attends Virtual Learning Labs if they are assigned to one. These small group labs provide students additional opportunities to receive support from their teachers and support staff in small groups. Teachers will continue to reach out to select students in advance with a private Zoom invite with a scheduled date/time to attend. Your child’s attendance in these labs is mandatory, and you will receive a call home when they miss an assigned lab.

While the pandemic has not created ideal circumstances, we are trying to make the best out of our situation and appreciate the support and follow through from our families. Please reach out to us if you need support or have questions. Thank you!

Stout Virtual Attendance Procedures (Arabic)