Think Hard and Ask an Astronaut

astronaut Questions 1Dearborn Public Schools will have an opportunity to make contact with an astronaut on the International Space Station!!!! The event will take place the week of October 26th at the MBCC but will be streamed throughout the district for all students to watch. The exact date and time will be announced in a couple of weeks. During this contact, 18 to 20 students have a chance to ask a question of the astronaut hosting our contact.

This is open to all students at all grade levels, so submit a question to become part of this once in a lifetime event!  The information that should be used is included on the attached flyer. Questions are due by Friday October 2nd, and Mr. Liggett will collect questions in room F6 and send it through inter-school mail, email, or drop off to Mary Varady, ASC Room #22.