Religious Diversity Journeys Program

ReligiousDiversityThe Religious Diversity Journeys Program aims to expose students to a better understanding of those who may look and / or believe differently. Twenty five (25) seventh grade students will have the chance to learn about various faith traditions. Starting at November 19th, students of our district will join students from other surrounding districts to visit five (5) houses of worship, in addition to The Detroit Institute of Arts.

The goal is certainly not to convert, but to educate. One of the first objectives of theses journeys that will be led by program director Meredith Skowronski and the Inter Faith council is to break down barriers among people of different religions.

For more information, please visit the website:

This is the journeys schedule for the 2015-16 school year:

Date Journey Location
Nov. 19th Temple Beth El – Bloomfield
Dec. 15th Hartford Memorial Baptist Church – Detroit
Jan. 12th Islamic Center of America – Dearborn
Feb. 23rd Gurdwara Sahib Singh Sabha – Canton
Mar. 15th The Hindu Temple of Canton – Canton
Apr. 19th The Detroit Institute of Arts – Detroit