March on for the Real Dearborn: January 18

RealDearborn1Tired of outsiders distorting Dearborn’s identity and image? Upset with the negative publicity, harmful stereotypes and false media representations?

If so, then join students from four Dearborn high schools (Edsel Ford, Fordson, Dearborn, and Divine Child) and their adult allies, backed by the city’s mayor and superintendent, in their peaceful march to demonstrate the true Dearborn identity to the world, allowing other communities to witness the rich diversity and unity that Dearborn has to offer.

  • When:      Monday, Jan. 18, at 12 noon
  • Start:        Corner of Michigan Ave. at Greenfield
  • End:         Dearborn Administrative Center, 16901 Michigan Ave.
  • Contact:   Ms. Violet Souweidane at

For Media inquiries, please contact Dearborn Public Schools Director of communications, Mr. David Mustonen at:

Show your love for The Real Dearborn.

You can download the the Real Dearborn flyer from Real Dearborn March.