Information on Class Changes

Message 3With the start of the second semester comes a deluge of requests for class changes from students. In most cases, it is not possible to grant these requests.

Our master schedule of classes gets created over the summer based on requests that students submit in the Spring. The number of sections offered and our staffing is determined based on these student requests. When students “change their mind” half-way through the school year, it is very difficult to accommodate any class change requests.

Core academic classes are full-year classes and are scheduled as such. This makes it very difficult to switch periods or teachers at the mid-year point. The only time changes can be accommodated is when a student wishes to switch from a larger section to a smaller section. Many elective classes are half-year classes, so depending upon class sizes sometimes half-year elective classes can be changed. Elective classes that meet for a full-year, such as 8th grade foreign language, music classes, and AVID elective classes are very difficult to change, because staffing was based on students taking the elective for a full year and extra elective sections simply do not exist.

Mr. Oke