Parents & Students Impact Award Nominations: Recognizing Non-Teaching Staff

impact awardsNominations from student and parents are welcome to celebrate non-teaching staff members

Students and parents have the opportunity to recognize Dearborn Public Schools staff members, besides teachers, who make outstanding contributions to helping students, enhancing the classroom environment, or providing excellent customer service in other roles. because of that, the Impact Award was introduced to recognize all other staff members (not teachers) who demonstrate the district’s CORE Values and are consistently professional, personable, and polite as they work with students, contribute to the classroom environment, and provide overall customer service.

The nomination’s deadline for the Impact Awards is noon on May 9, 2016.

District employees who are eligible for the Impact Award include full or part time staff members employed with the Dearborn Public Schools for more than three years such as Principals, Para pros, Community Liaisons, Custodians, Bus Drivers, Food Service Staff, Social Workers, Skilled Trades, Computer Technicians, or anyone who is not a classroom teacher but works for the Dearborn Public Schools.

Nomination forms with a complete list of qualifications can be found and completed online at Printed nomination forms are available in all school offices and the district’s Administration Office, 18700 Audette, Dearborn 48124.

Four winners will be announced on May 25 at the annual Green Tie Event, sponsored by the Dearborn Education Foundation.  Winners will receive $500 and an engraved award.

For more information about nominating a staff member or any aspect of the Impact Awards, contact the Communications Office at 313-827-3006 or email