Dear Parents,
As part of our ongoing effort to keep an open line of communication with our parents, we would like to take a moment to share information regarding a comment made by one of our students.
Today, four students came to the office to share with us information they were told about regarding a comment made by another student that mentioned some sort of threatening behavior. Although the information shared with us appeared to be third or fourth hand information we followed standard procedures to determine if the comment was made and any other details pertaining to the situation.
We did discover that the student who allegedly made the threatening comment was involved in an argument with other students. However, details about what was actually said varied between the students involved. After a thorough investigation, we were able to determine that there was no threat to the safety or security of students and staff at Stout. We have taken the appropriate steps to address this situation with the students involved as well as reached out to parents, our School Resource officer, and district administrators to ensure that all security and safety measures are in line with district policies with regards to allegations of a school threat.
We do appreciate the students who came forward to share the information. Although these students had not heard the comments directly, they felt it was important to share what they knew and we support them for being an Upstander by coming to the office and talking with us.
We live in a time when even very minor events, such as this unfortunate exchange of words, must be taken with the utmost seriousness and acted upon without delay. Please use this as an opportunity to discuss with your child the importance of using appropriate words when expressing emotions and never use words that would threaten others with violence or harm.
Everyday, all of us at Stout work to maintain a safe school environment for all students. By always working together, and communicating, our school will continue to be a great school and a safe place for your child. We value your continued support as partners in your child’s education.
We appreciate your trust and confidence as we work in partnership to support our students. Please feel free to contact us with any concerns or questions you might have at (313) 827-4600.
Mr. Oke, Principal