An Update Regarding the Stout Theater Program

We are happy to announce that Mr. Rashid Baydoun will be returning to the Stout Theater Program next week. We apologize for any undue stress this has caused students and our school community. Mr Baydoun needed some time away from extracurricular activities to attend to a few matters and he will soon be ready to continue his involvement with the theater program at Stout.

We would like to thank our faculty sponsor, Ms. Lisa Cronin, for continuing to plan and supervise theater activities these past few weeks. We would also like to thank the parents, community members and former students who have lent their support to the the theater program on an ongoing basis.  We also appreciate the leadership and support of the entire Stout school community who continue to support every student in and out of school.

For the past few weeks, Mr. Baydoun has continued to work with students during the school day as Stout’s Social Responsibility Technician. We are pleased that he is returning to the theater program and look forward to future productions featuring our talented students.

Mr. Oke & Mr. Blessing