Happy New Year to our Stout Community! We want to remind everyone that school resumes on Monday, January 9, 2023 at the regular time. Monday will be "Pajama Day" at Stout so students may wear appropriate pajamas to school tomorrow.
Students from the U of M Society of Women Engineers and from the U of M Biomedical Engineering Club came to Stout all day on Tuesday, December 20 and presented to our STEM students on the different fields of engineering and answered students' questions about college...
Here are the themes for Stout Spirit Week, as planned by the Stout Student Council (Dec. 19-Dec 23) Monday- Stout Colors Tuesday- Twin Day Wednesday- Career day/ College day (Students can also wear labels that say what their career is if it is not automatically...
Attached is the presentation (in English and Arabic) about high school options for all 8th grade students in Dearborn Public Schools. Secondary Options Presentation_22-23.pdfDownload Secondary Options Presentation_22-23 Arabic .pp...Download
Ms. Rebecca Loyer, contract attorney from Consiglio, presented to the Stout Debate Club about working in the field of law. It was very informative for our students since some Falcons wish to pursue a future in political science and law.
Join the Stout Drumming Club. The meeting starts Tuesday after school at Stout Middle School.
Congratulations to the Stout Junior CIty Beautiful Commissioners (Mckenna and Hiba) who will lead our school in guiding the Stout community in keeping our school and community clean, green and scenic. I am sure that they (along with the assistance of Mrs. Michelle...
We want to thank Dellah Coffee and Brunch House located on 20219 Carlysle St., Dearborn, MI 48124 for providing delicious Adeni Tea and Pastries to our Stout Staff on this Late Start. We appreciate all of the love and support from the community.
Reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday, December 7, 2022) will be a Late Start Day for all students. Students will start classes one hour later than the regular time. 1st hour will start at 9:25 AM. Students will come home at the regular time. Thank you!