Stout has a wide variety of after-school clubs available for students. We encourage all students to join at least one club. Please see the list below of what we offer. If you would like your student to attend, please make sure they have a signed form on file. Forms...
Stout Middle School News
Adapted Physical Education “Teacher of the Year” is From Stout Middle School!!
Congratulations to Stout's very own Ms. Colleen Cook for winning the "Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year" by SHAPE-MI. The award recognizes teachers with strong commitment to excellence. Ms. Cook will receive her award in November during a ceremony in...
October 10 is World Mental Health Day!
World Mental Health Day, observed annually on October 10th, is a global initiative dedicated to raising awareness about mental health issues and advocating for better care and prevention. It aims to challenge stigma, promote understanding, and support individuals...
Volunteers sought for possible Book Reconsideration committees
As it does annually now, Dearborn Public Schools is taking applications from parents, staff, community members and high school students interested in serving on a Book Reconsideration Committee. Those volunteering to serve on a committee are agreeing to read a school...
Stout Students Explore Careers Through Real Interactions
Stout students learned about the field of dentistry last week and got to learn more about what dentists do and the steps needed to become a dentist, hygienist or dental assistant. Thank you Dr. Abbas for bringing your team and coming to Stout to talk to our students...
No School Tuesday and Count Day on Wednesday!
This is a friendly reminder that there is no school for students on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 due to staff and teacher training. Students return to school on Wednesday, October 2, which is also Count Day for schools. It is important that students arrive to school on...
Stout’s Robotics Team is Very Busy!!
The Stout Robotics Team called "The Flying Falcons" are busy putting together robots and learning how to assemble parts together. Stout is building our future engineers!
Letter on School Safety from the Superintendent and Police Chief
Please read the joint letter below about school safety and "joking" from the Superintendent Dr. Maleyko and Police Chief Shahin: Greetings, The start of the school year is filled with first time experiences for staff, students, and parents. It is also a time to...
Are You Interested in Becoming a Crossing Guard?
Crossing guards are very important to any community. They help children safely cross the street at key locations. They also remind drivers of the presence of pedestrians. The presence of adult crossing guards can lead to more parents feeling comfortable about their...
Acceleration of Learning Block
Greetings Parents and Guardians, Dearborn Public Schools is announcing an new initiative that will be rolled out to all middle school grades across the district known as the Acceleration of Learning Block. To learn more about the Acceleration of Learning block, which...