Stout Middle School News

Stout Spirit Wear – Online Store

Stout Spirit Wear – Online Store

Stout Families,  We now have a Stout Spirit wear store that is fully online. Through the link below, you can purchase customized athletic wear to show your Stout Falcon pride! Payments can be made directly through the site and deliveries will be made to the...

Virtual Attendance Procedures

Dear Parents,  Our new schedule has officially been in effect for 3 weeks now. We believe the revised schedule has been successful with it’s intended purpose of more live instruction for students with their teachers. Please continue to encourage and support your...

Schoology Page for Parents

Parents and Guardians, Please sign up for our official Schoology page for pertinent information and updates as they relate to Stout Middle School. Go to Schoology, log in, click on "groups", select "my groups", and click "join a group". You will prompted to enter this...

New Schedule for Virtual Learning

Middle school students started a new schedule for virtual learning this past Monday (11/16). Student are now attending every class on Zoom each day of the week. All middle schools in the school district have switched to this new schedule with slight variations based...