Parents, As we try to collectively figure out our "new normal" during this uncertain time, it's important to remember that our children thrive on structure and routine. Dr. Chochol, the Executive Director for our feeder group of schools, shared this valuable resource...
Stout Middle School News
Student Weekly Bulletin 📰
Students! Click the link below to view the weekly bulletin. Enjoy😊 Stout-Student-Bulletin-March-23-2020Download
A Video Message from the Principal: 3-23-2020
As we begin the second full week of the mandatory school closure, I wanted to take a few minutes to share what we've been working on for the past week. Please watch the video linked below to find out how our staff spent the past week. VIDEO: Message from Mr. Oke I...
A Message from the Principal Regarding Student Work during the School Closure
Yesterday, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), released a statement indicating that the work done online during the mandatory school closure and the days spent doing that work would not count towards the number of school days that are currently required by...
Chromebook Distribution for Stout Students
Stout Families, We will have Chromebooks available for loan for those students who need access to technology to complete their classwork. Stout will be offering “drive-through” times on Thursday, March 19th, 2020 from 2pm to 6pm and on Friday, March 20th from...
Dearborn Schools offering free breakfast and lunch pickup for students at six sites
Dearborn Public Schools is offering free pickup lunch and breakfast for students while school is closed for the mandatory shut down over the next three weeks. Families will be able to stop in and pick up a bag with both breakfast and lunch for each child in the...
Free Internet from Comcast
Students will be doing the majority of their work online for the next month. For families that may not have internet access in their homes at this time, Comcast is offering their Internet Essentials package for free for the next 60 days. Please click on the link to...

A Message from the Principal Regarding the School Closure
Thursday evening, the Governor ordered all schools in Michigan to close to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). At Stout, we will continue to provide educational activities to students during the closure. These activities will be shared through our school...
A Message from the Principal regarding COVID-19
Stout Community, With the news of two confirmed cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Michigan, I wanted to share the additional steps we are taking at Stout Middle School to support a healthy environment for our students. Our custodians will be putting extra focus on...
Parent Education Meeting
Transform your child’s behavior at home and at school! We will be training you in the best strategies for how to question, support and guide your child through a life of success. This will be Part 1 of a two part, in-depth parent workshop. We look forward to learning...