This school year, Stout was selected to participate in the Dearborn SHINES grant to implement nutrition and physical activity programming at the student, family and school levels to improve students’ overall well-being. We are asking parents to take a few minutes to...
Stout Middle School News
Reminders: 2/24 – 2/28
This week, we will be holding two important meetings at Stout. Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 25th at 6:00 PM, we will have another Secondary Options Parent Meeting for those parents who could not attend the previous meeting during the day. This meeting will present...
Secondary Options Meeting for 8th Grade Parents
This morning, Ms. Shannon Peterson, Executive Director of Student Achievement, met with 8th grade parents in our auditorium to share information about the secondary options that are available beginning in 9th grade. Ms. Peterson provided an overview of our alternative...
This week’s reminders
Dear Parents,We have a busy week coming up and wanted to share the week’s events with you...On Wednesday at 9:00am in our auditorium, we will be holding our Secondary Options Parent Meeting. A district representative will be giving an overview of our alternative high...

A Letter from the Principal
Dear Parents, As part of our ongoing effort to keep an open line of communication with our parents, we would like to take a moment to share information regarding a comment made by one of our students. Today, four students came to the office to share with...

DSHINES Newsletter
Stout has been selected to participate in the Dearborn SHINES grant to implement nutrition and physical activity programming at the student, family and school levels to improve students’ overall well-being. The attached newsletter (click here) includes information on...

DCMST Parent Informational Meeting
Reminder: There will be an informational meeting for parents of all current 8th graders interested in attending DCMST for the 2020-2021 school year today, Tuesday, February 4, 2020 from 6-7 pm in the Michael Berry Lecture Hall at the Dearborn Heights Campus. For...

And the GEOBEE winners are…
The school Geography Bee was held on Friday, January 31st. Congratulations to the top three finishers and to all who participated! Sebastian Beauchamp defended his title from last school year and will now move on to state qualifying. 1st Place: Sebastian Beauchamp 2nd...

Dearborn explaining Read by 3 process to parents
Another teacher assists with small group instruction in a second grade classoom at Maples Elementary. Dearborn Schools has designated teachers that visit classrooms and help the homeroom teacher provide additional small group instruction. Maples was recently...

Goodbye Stout
in January 2015 I started a journey with Stout Middle School, and for 5 years I tried my best to make Stout better and to provide help and support to our students, staff, and community. Today this journey comes to an end, and, starting Monday, Jan. 27, 2020, I begin a...