Stout Middle School News

Pennies for Pasta Winners

Pennies for Pasta Winners

Stout Middle School students had their Pennies for Pasta drive to fight blood cancers. They did an excellent job to help and raise awareness of these horrible diseases. Here are the 1st hour classes that took the two top spots. 1st place pasta winners:         Mr....

Hanan Abubaker wins the “Candy Jar!”

Hanan Abubaker wins the “Candy Jar!”

Upon looking at Edsel Ford Charity Week Candy Jar, Hanan Abubaker thought that (2x100) + 50 - 3 = 247, and so that was her guess; it turned out to be the only correct one. She took the candy jar home on Friday, March 25th. We just hope that she didn’t eat it all on...