Attention all Stout and Smith Middle School Girls! If you are interested in trying out for the Fusion Competitive Cheer team please make note of the following dates and times! We will be holding tryouts and tryout clinics on the following days:
Wednesday October 21st at Stout Middle School from 3:00-4:30 (Tryout Clinics)
Thursday October 22nd at Stout Middle School from 3:00-4:30 (Tryout Clinics)
Friday October 23rd at Stout Middle School: TRYOUTS Round 1 from 3:00-:4:30
Monday October 26th at Stout Middle School: TRYOUTS Round 2 from 3:00-4:30
Practice will officially begin on Wednesday November 4th. All practices will be held at Stout Middle School from 3:00-5:00. Practices will change as the season progresses and a calendar will be given at the first team practice.
Please email Coach Wheble if you are interested in trying out. You will be given a tryout number and a specific time. Tryouts will be done in 15 minute increments so that you will have an arrival time and pick up time so parents will not need to wait long and to insure social distancing. Coach Wheble’s email is whebles@dearbornschools.org