- Tuesday, April 25 is National DNA Day and we are having a cool DNA project competition at Stout!
- Students will be given the opportunity to enter a contest for a chance to win a mini-drone. Students must submit a 3-D model of the double helix, explain what DNA is, and how studying DNA can help scientists cure diseases. (Accuracy of information, amount of information written, spelling, and grammar all count).The students should be able to verbally explain their project if asked.
- Reminder to students: we do not want the information printed directly from the internet…plagiarism will be checked.
- Students MUST put the information in their own words and in their own handwriting. Students should use the Amplify writing rubric to double check their writing quality.
- Students must submit their project to Mrs. Abdelbaki by Monday, May 1, 2023.
- The winning student will win a mini-drone.
- The science and STEM teachers will be asked to judge the submissions.
- Please promote this opportunity to all of your students. It is okay if students do not know about DNA at first. Research it and learn.
- Click here to watch a “BrainPop” video on DNA.