Students from the U of M Society of Women Engineers and from the U of M Biomedical Engineering Club came to Stout all day on Tuesday, December 20 and presented to our STEM students on the different fields of engineering and answered students’ questions about college in general. Our students’ questions were amazing! Stout students asked questions like, “How much student debt would an engineering student have at the end of the four year program? How challenging did you find engineering classes? How much money do the different types of engineers make?” and more. What insightful questions to ask!
The college students (many who are graduating this semester from the School of Engineering) also gave the students a challenge activity in which they had to create a design to solve a problem within a half hour… as a team.
All of the teams in all of our STEM classes were able to create some kind of product that matched the desired outcome. The students’ ability to create a design shows that they have gained confidence in their problem solving skills and ingenuity that they have practiced all semester long in their STEM classes. The students did an awesome job!!