Letter from the Principal

October 10, 2019 

Dear Parents,

As part of our ongoing effort to keep an open line of communication with our parents, I would like to take a moment to share information regarding a threatening comment brought to our attention.  

On Thursday, a student shared with Stout administration that another student had made comments threatening violent actions at Stout.  We contacted our School Resource Officer and began an investigation into the credibility of the threat. We were able to identify the student who made the comment and at this point are continuing to determine if the comments were credible or an example of a young person making bad choices when expressing themselves. 

It is important to note that the comments did not mention any immediate action rather it referenced taking action at a future time. Therefore, there was no immediate danger for any student or staff at Stout. 

I would like to thank the student who brought this to our attention. I would also like to thank our SRO and the Dearborn Police for their quick response in helping to resolve this concern. 

Everyday, all of us at Stout work to maintain a safe school environment for all students. By always working together, and communicating, Stout will continue to be a great school and a safe place for your child.

Please click here for the bilingual copy of this letter.


Mr. Oke


Stout Middle School