Reminder: there is NO SCHOOL ON Monday, January 20, 2025, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Please take a moment and click here to listen to this 2-minute video of Dr. King’s powerful speech “What is your life’s blueprint?” It is one of my favorite speeches ever. I encourage Stout students to listen to this speech with their families and discuss each student’s blueprint.
On this day, students are encouraged to help others in need. Some ideas may include helping your parents, grandparents, siblings, neighbors, volunteer at the local food pantry, animal shelter, etc.
Performing kind acts, showing respect for others (especially those who may be different than you), etc. are our daily core values promoted at Stout Middle School and are also great ways to commemorate Dr. King’s work.
Students may want to use this day off to work on their self-written poem for the MLK Poetry Slam as well! Read the details below regarding the contest.
The Martin Luther King “Poetry Slam” Contest at Stout Middle School
- All Stout students are invited to join Stout’s 1st Annual Martin Luther King Poetry Slam Contest. The poem can be on any topic related to social justice that the student wishes to express.
- I asked all social studies teachers to take five minutes this week to show their classes this clip of a National Middle School Poetry Slam winner to see what poetry slams look and sound like. Click here.
- All students should give their creativity a try. Poetry Slams help build confidence and improve public speaking skills.
The Poetry Slam will be judged on the following criteria:
- The poem should be on any topic related to social justice (ex. Equality for all, freedom, poverty, civil rights, respecting others who are different, etc.)
- One-minute length of presentation
- Student’s eye contact with the audience
- Student’s facial expressions and hand gestures during the presentation
- Student-written poem (not from the internet, AI, or created by anyone else)
- Students should turn in a copy of their poems to the main office before Jan. 31.
The students will be called down to present their poems in the poetry slam form to be judged on Friday, Jan. 31 in the auditorium.