Welcome to Stout Middle School! WE ARE STOUT STRONG!

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Welcome to Stout Middle School! WE ARE STOUT STRONG!
We hope our teachers had a lovely week. We appreciate everything you do for our students!
Mr. Restum and The Stout Robotics Team attended the FTC Tech Challenge Robotics competition for middle school students at Carlson High School in Gibraltar last Saturday. It was the first time that Stout entered the competition with a fully functional robot that was...
Students in our 7th grade STEM class, which focuses on "Engineering and Transportation," performed experiments to see how the mass of a vehicle affects a car's speed down a ramp. Students really enjoyed this experiment.
Congratulations to the two 6th grade students who won the "DNA Day" contest, Inaya and Ali! Students were asked to create a model of the DNA double helix and write to explain what DNA is and how scientists use DNA to learn about diseases.
Hello Falcons, This is just a friendly reminder that Wednesday, April 26, 2023 is a Late Start Day for all Dearborn Public Schools students. Classes will start one hour later than the usual time. Buses will also pick students up one hour later than their regular pick...
Tuesday, April 25 is National DNA Day and we are having a cool DNA project competition at Stout! Students will be given the opportunity to enter a contest for a chance to win a mini-drone. Students must submit a 3-D model of the double helix, explain what...
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