District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

Welcome to Stout Middle School! WE ARE STOUT STRONG!

Boys Basketball Tryouts

Tryouts for the varsity and junior varsity boys basketball teams will be held from Monday, October 19th thru Thursday, October 22nd.  Interested 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys need to email Mr. Simon ( by Friday October 16th, so that their...

Girls Swim Team Tryouts

Tryouts for the girls swim team will be held from Monday, October 19th through Thursday, October 22nd. Tryouts will be held over three days with sessions limited to 20 students in order to support social distancing whenever possible. Interested 6th, 7th, and 8th grade...

Daily Schedule: 10/5 – 10/9

Parents, Next week is an important week for our district. We will be doing our COUNT DAY during synchronous instruction next week. This important day determines the funds and resources our district receives per pupil from the State of Michigan. It is imperative that...

Meal Distribution Surveys

Meal Distribution Surveys

Parents, please complete this survey! We're looking to get feedback from parents and students on our current meal distribution system.  Ultimately this feedback will help determine the direction of the program for the remainder of our virtual learning phase. أولياء...

Virtual Parent Orientation Slideshows

Parents, If you were not able to attend one of the Virtual Parent Orientation meetings this week, please see the attached links to the information that was presented. ,الآباء Virtual Parent Orientation لدينا إذا لم تكن قادرًا على الحضور. شكرا جزيلا !يرجى الاطلاع على...

Half-Day: Friday, September 18th

Tomorrow, Friday, September 18th, is a half-day for students. Tomorrow is an "A" day. Students will attend their synchronous classes on Zoom in the morning, but they will not have their regular asynchronous work in the afternoon. Teachers will be engaged in...

Virtual Parent Orientation

Parents, We will be having Virtual Parent Orientations this week using Zoom. There are four sessions to choose from, including one for our Arabic-speaking families. You only need to attend ONE of these sessions. Please check your email for detailed information,...

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

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