Parents: Be Aware of the Eraser challenge

EraserChallengeSome of Stout teachers have reported that a group of boys are rubbing an eraser on their hands in what they call the “eraser challenge.” According to one teacher When “I asked one of the boys to show me the mark on his hand to see how bad it was, I had to turn my head after looking at it for 5 seconds. It literally looked like he had burned his skin.”
This is not a harmless game, and we are concerned about it.  It used to be called the “Sissy Test.” These are friction burns and can easily become infected if not kept clean.  They should be covered with a bandaid, at least at school.  Parents of those who have burned their hands should talk to their children about such a gruesome game and take the proper measures.
This is not “cool”at all. It is simply dangerous. Here is a gross image of one that got infected. It is so gruesome that I hesitated a lot before posting it.