Peer Mediation Training with Jacqui Rivait

peermediationPeer Mediation is problem solving by youth with you. Two students involved in a dispute get to meet in a private, safe, and confidential setting to work out problems with the assistance of a trained student mediator. The benefits include:

  • Reducing staff time spent on discipline
  • Reducing suspension, expulsions, and fights
  • Empowering students to learn to resolve disputes peacefully
  • Improving their skills to work with others
  • Establish a new way of thinking about conflicts, disputes, and differences

Event:        Peer Mediation Training with Jacqui Rivait

Elementary and Middle School Students

Where:      18700 Audette, Dearborn

                  Administrative Service Center – Boardroom

Date:         Wednesday, Oct 28, 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Time:         9:30 am – 2:00 pm (please be on time)

How:          Email Jan Jacobs at

Deadline:  Friday, October 23, 2015

Juice, bagels, Pizza, and pop will be served

Schools need to provide an adviser for every 8 students for the duration of the training.