Resume` Week at Stout for 7th and 8th Graders

This week will be “Resume` Week” at Stout. Each 7th and 8th grader will create their own resume during advisory this week. Students will use the Xello program that our counselor, Mr. Haddad, showed them in their social studies class. 6th graders will start their resume` building next year. As students build their resume, they will realize that they will need to perform well in school in terms of grades and join clubs and sports as well as volunteer in community or charity events so they can add them to their experiences. 
Students will be able to edit or add to the resumes that they create in the Xello Program throughout the rest of middle school and high school. Students will be able to use their resumes in the future when they apply for scholarships, colleges, or jobs. Students should try their best with this!