School’s Behavior Expectations


BehaviorExpectationsAt this school we are committed to creating an environment that is not only about academic excellence, but also about relationships and creating community, one that is safe for and respectful of ALL its members. This is how we are expected not to behave.

We all have had times when we have said or done hurtful things to others out of thoughtlessness, lack of awareness, or because it seems like just a joke. We all may be tempted at times to treat other people poorly out of frustration or retaliation or because others are doing it or because some-one acts in a way that we don’t like. We ask that you demonstrate awareness, respect, restraint, and self-control. With every comment online or offline, these actions could be doing damage to someone’s feelings and emotional well-being. This is not acceptable.

So to be clear: any act of bullying, harassment or humiliation against another person… student or adult – online or offline, is against our values. Any cruel words, actions or attempts to harm someone’s reputation will not be accepted. Specifically, cruelty based on race, ethnicity, sex, body shape or size, or physical, mental or learning disability, how much money they have or don’t have, or political beliefs is taken very seriously here. There is no place for those who pick on anyone because you think they act too much like a boy or too much like a girl, or because you don’t like how they dress,or look, or their customs, their sexual orientation, or their religion or if they have no religion at all.

We ask you this: think about your actions and how you want to be treated by others. In this place we expect you to do your best to demonstrate respect, kindness and empathy to everyone. If you see someone doing harm to another person, report it or if you feel safe, try to stop it. Joining in or doing nothing is not being respectful or kind. If you feel like going the extra step, approach the person who was targeted later with a kind word or gesture. It isn’t tattling or snitching if you are helping someone. You might just be saving someone’s life.

We all make mistakes, so if someone disrespects you, simply say, “That is disrespectful. Please stop.” Get help if the person doesn’t listen. And if someone tells you that something you said or did is hurtful or disrespectful, listen, make amends, and examine your actions.