Stout 8th Grade Trip to Washington D.C.

Stout Middle School is planning a 3 day trip for our 8th grade students to go to Washington D.C. on May 16-May 18, 2023.

Please click here to read the information and details about this great opportunity for our 8th graders.

If you wish to send your 8th grader on this trip or would like to learn more so that you can make a decision if you want to send them, there will be a meeting next Thursday, January 19 at 5:00 pm in the Stout auditorium. Parents and 8th grade students are welcome. 

Students must enroll by January 27 if they wish to attend. Read the attachment for all of the details and cost. 

You can email the trip organizer (our French teacher, Mrs. Katzman) if you have any questions. Her email address is