Since many Stout students are fasting during Ramadan, students are using this opportunity to build their life skills. Our Lunchtime Life Skill Building Activities have been a great success and BUSY. Students actively participate in sations focused on practical skills like learning to put on a tie properly, hair styling and straightening sessions, learning how to set a dinner table, learning to iron clothes, tie shoes, fix glasses frames that lose a screw, practise cursive writing, telling time on an analog clock, etc.
Students all received a passport with the activities on them in which they receive a stamp for each activity they have mastered. Once they have completed at least 15 activities, students will redeem their passport in for a prize from Principal Abdelbaki
Positive feedback from the parents, students and station facilitators shows the value of these activities. Students have been very excited to participate.
Students who are not fasting are also welcomed and encouraged to participate in the activities after they are finished with their meal.