- Monday, August 26 is the first day of school and it will be a half day. Dismissal will be at 11:30AM.
- Teachers will be visible in the hallways wearing Stout shirts so they are easily identifiable and to assist students who need any help finding a class, opening their locker, etc.
- Students who did not get the chance to pick up their schedules during Open House will be able to receive the paper schedule in the cafeteria upon arrival in the morning.
Try-Outs for Fall Sports
As the school year kicks off, so do multiple opportunities to get involved by way of sports. Be sure to check for updates and listen to announcements as tryouts will take place the first week of school. Make sure that your sports physicals are turned into the office to be able to participate in sports this year.
Volleyball Tryouts are Wednesday and Thursday, August 28th. Meet in the gym by 3:30, dressed, and ready to participate. Make sure you have athletic attire. Tryouts will last until approximately 5:15PM each day. If you have any further questions contact Coach Plair –plairn@dearbornschools.org
Sideline Cheer Tryouts will take place on Thursday, August 29th. Wear athletic clothing for the tryout and meet in room H4 from 3:30 – 5:30. If you have further questions you can contact Coach Czeryba – czerybk@dearbornschools.org
Football Tryouts and Practice take place after school starting on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. Contact Coach Simon at simonj@dearbornschools.org for more details.
Activity Buses for After School Sports and Clubs
- Students who participate in all after school clubs and sports at Stout may ride the activity bus home at 5:30 starting on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
- Students who stay afterschool to watch a game ONLY (spectators) must arrange for their own ride to pick them up from school. The activity buses are meant as a mean of transportation for the students who are actually participating in the extra curricular activities only…not for the spectators.
List of Clubs at Stout Coming Soon
- We love providing our Falcons with many opportunities to join a club or after school activity that interests them. Clubs help students build confidence, make new friends, and improve in their academics.
- We are finialinzing the list of clubs that will be available to students this week. Look for the email with all of the Stout club information in the upcoming weeks.
I hope you all have a great start of school. I look forward to seeing you all this week!!!
Mrs. Abdelbaki
Principal of Stout Middle School