On Dearborn’s Annual Law Day Observance, the 19th District Court in partnership with Dearborn Rotary Club is sponsoring a citywide essay contest.
- The 2018 Law Day theme is Separation of Powers: Framework for Freedom.
- The contest is open for 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.
- Dearborn Rotary Club will donate Noble and Barnes gift cards in the amount of:
- $100 for the 1st place
- $75 for the 2nd place
- $50 for the 3rd place
- Essays and completed entry forms must be received by the court no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 26th.
The details and the required form are in the link 19th District Contest – 2018. For any questions, please contact the Deputy court Administrator, Ted Villemaire at (313) 943-4226