Dear Stout Middle School Falcons,
We hope you had a wonderful and restful summer filled with fun and relaxation. We are excited to kick off another fantastic school year at Stout!
Make sure to follow the latest happenings at Stout on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/stout.middleschool/
Here is some important information that you may find helpful as we start our school year.
The first day of school is on Monday, August 26, 2024. It will be a half day, which means
school starts at 8:20 AM and dismissal is at 11:30 AM.
Student Schedules
-Schedules will be available to be viewed on Student Connect and Parent
Connect by 3:00PM on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.
-If you have any questions regarding your schedule, you may speak to our school counselors,
Mr. Haddad and or Mrs. Hassan during Open House.
Open House
-Parents and guardians are encouraged to come meet their child’s teachers at Open House,
which will take place at Stout on Friday, August 23 from 1:00PM-2:30PM.
- Copies of the student schedules will be available for pick up at Open House.
-Students must be accompanied with a parent or guardian at Open House.
- Students should find their classes and may practice opening their lockers during this time.
Make Sure to Join the Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO)
-The Stout Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) will be present at our Open House to
sign up parents to help out this school year in any capacity at all… We NEED Your Support!
-Thank you!
-There will be concessions sold at this time so please think about purchasing items to support
your school.
Bus Information
All Stout students who ride a bus to school will soon receive a letter in the mail with the bus
number along with information regarding location and time of your bus pick up and drop off.
Fall Sports
We are looking forward to a fun fall football season and to exciting girls volleyball games at Stout this
year! Here are some important details:
Sports Physicals
– Make sure to have your sports physical completed by a medical facility so
that you can tryout if you wish to participate in sports. The sports physical will cover the
entire school year of extra-curricular sports participation.
-Sports physicals are available in the Stout main office and have also been emailed to all students and parents.
Football: Only 7th and 8th students who are interested in joining the Stout football team may
also attend “soft” conditioning/ training at Stout Tuesday, August 13- Friday, August 23 from
12:00 PM-2:00 PM. You may contact Coach Jai Simon at simonj@dearbornschools.org if
you have any questions regarding Stout football. Bring a water bottle and make sure to wear
cleats or gym shoes.
Volleyball: All 6 th -8 th grade girls interested in trying out for the Stout volleyball team should
watch for an email regarding tryouts which take place during the first week of school. You
may contact Coach Naomi Plair (Stout varsity volleyball coach)
at plairn@dearbornschools.org if you have any questions.
Sideline Cheer Team: All 6 th – 8 th grade students interested in trying out for the Stout sideline
cheer team to cheer for our football and basketball teams during games should also read all
of your emails and listen to morning announcements regarding try-out dates, which will also
take place in the first week of school. You may contact Coach Kayla Czeryba
at czerybk@dearbornschools.org if you have any questions.
Suggested School Supply Lists
Scan the QR code below to view the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade suggested school supply lists.

We can not wait to see you all back at Stout!!
Mrs. Abdelbaki
Proud Principal of Stout Middle School