Month: March 2020

A Message from the Principal regarding COVID-19

Stout Community, With the news of two confirmed cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Michigan, I wanted to share the additional steps we are taking at Stout Middle School to support a healthy environment for our students. Our custodians will be putting extra focus on...

Parent Education Meeting

Transform your child’s behavior at home and at school! We will be training you in the best strategies for how to question, support and guide your child through a life of success. This will be Part 1 of a two part, in-depth parent workshop. We look forward to learning...

DSHINES Parent Survey

This school year, Stout was selected to participate in the Dearborn SHINES grant to implement nutrition and physical activity programming at the student, family and school levels to improve students’ overall well-being. We are asking parents to take a few minutes to...