Our 8th grade students are learning a lot in our STEM classes as they prepare for the "helmet creating" unit and study brain trauma. Students dissected a sheep brain last week as an introduction to the unit. What a great experience for our Falcons!

Our 8th grade students are learning a lot in our STEM classes as they prepare for the "helmet creating" unit and study brain trauma. Students dissected a sheep brain last week as an introduction to the unit. What a great experience for our Falcons!
Breast Cancer Awareness Month has been a keen focus at Stout due to the rising number of people with this illness. Stout students and staff made extraordinary efforts to show their support for the fight against breast cancer on Thursday, October 12, which was Stout's...
Purchase a pumpkin at Stout for our Key Club fundraiser. Prices range from $2 to $7. We also encourage students to purchase a pumpkin to decorate and enter in our pumpkin decorating contest. All decorated pumpkins should be brought to Stout on October 26 to be judged...
Students and staff participated in a "Pink Out Day" on Thursday, October 12 to show our support for the "Fight Against Breast Cancer" and for all who suffer from this illness. Students made posters, wrote message cards, and signed banners with inspirational quotes...
All 8th grade students must take one semester of STEM with a focus on biomedical engineering and manufacturing. Mrs. Fulton had her STEM students learn about prosthetic arms and create a prototype sample. Students also experienced how it is like to live a day...
We are very proud to offer our Stout students such great clubs and afterschool activities to choose from. I had to share some pictures from just some of our clubs this week since we have "a lot" going on afterschool. Just click here to see the...
Former NFL Player, Cecil Lee Rouson, will be visiting Stout on Friday, October 13 to speak to our students about reaching their goals through discipline and hard work. Here is a link to Mr. Rouson's presentation. Mr. Rouson played for the New York Giants and the...
Germs seem to come in waves, and Dearborn Public Schools, like most of Michigan, has seen an increase lately in a variety of infections being passed around. So it seemed a good time to remind families about our handy When To Keep Your Child Home from School...
This is a friendly reminder that students do not have school on Tuesday, October 3. School will resume for students on Wednesday, October 4.