Our Math League 2016-2017 contest will be here soon. It will be held on either Feb. 21, or Feb. 28, 2017. The registration deadline is on Friday, Feb. 17, 2017. Stout State results last year were decent, but we can still do better. Let’s have an early start and prepare a little better. Top scorers will get a Math League T-shirts along with Certificates of Merit, and other prizes, while all participants will get Certificates of participation and a Pizza Lunch.
- Let your teacher know if you want to participate, or contact Mr. Sabra.
- Download the selected-math-league-rules , print it, sign it, and return it to Mr. Sabra.
- Make sure you visit the school’s blog to download samples of the questions and practice them.
Math League’s 6th, 7th, and 8th grade contests encourage a variety of problem-solving skills and methods, to improve students’ abilities and understanding of mathematics, while having fun! Students in each league compete for the highest scores, while schools compete for the highest team score (top 5 scores in each school.) Questions may cover: basic topics, plus exponents, fractions, reciprocals, decimals, rates, ratios, percents, angle measurement, perimeter, area, circumference, basic roots, patterns, sequences, integers, triangles and right triangles, and other topics, depending on the grade level.
Contest Format:
- Each contest consists of 35 multiple-choice questions;
- We permit calculators on all of our contests;
- You can do it in 30 minutes;
- 1st page questions are generally straightforward;
- 2nd page questions are moderate in difficulty;
- 3rd page questions are more difficult;
- Score Reports for each grade are sent to schools after the contest;
- The highest scoring student on each grade receives a Certificate of Merit;
- The highest scoring school on each contest (for grades 6, 7, 8) receives a plaque;
- Detailed solutions accompany every contest;
- High scoring students will be invited to attend our Summer Mathematics Tournament held in July;