Strategic Plan Task Force

TaskForceDuring the next few weeks, the Dearborn Public Schools will embark on a journey to create a new strategic plan..  To successfully complete this task, the school district will need community members, parents, students, and staff to take part in the process of creating the mission, vision, goals, and actions steps in our new plan.

Creating a document of this importance will require the input from a wide variety of stakeholders. The Core Planning Committee feels it is vitally important for teachers and parents to be part of this team and is looking for parents and staff members from our school who may be interested in being a part of the Strategic Plan Task Force.

The Committee is currently in the process of gathering names from a variety of groups and organizations.  They will then narrow down all the suggested names to create a Strategic Plan Task Force consisting of about 40 to 50 members. The goal is to assemble the most diverse group representing all stakeholders in our community. Therefore, it’s possible not everyone who is being asked to consider this opportunity will end up being a part of the final group.  However, everyone’s contributions to this plan are valuable and opportunities to offer suggestions, feedback, and comments will be provided to all.

Serving on the Task Force will not require a long term commitment but it does involve several evenings in the month of April and a date in May.  The schedule is as follows:

  • April 5, 2016      6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.           Board Room, Administrative Service Center
  • April 7, 2016      6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.           Board Room, Administrative Service Center
  • April 12, 2016     6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.           Board Room, Administrative Service Center
  • April 14, 2016     6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.           Board Room, Administrative Service Center
  • May 10, 2016     6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.           Board Room, Administrative Service Center

If you are interested in participating on the Task Force, please contact Mr. Gregory Oke, Stout Principal, at

The Dearborn Public Schools has a long tradition of engaging community members in order to bring the best possible learning opportunities to our students.  We hope you will consider being a part of the Strategic Plan Task Force and help us create a learning environment where all students can and will be successful.