Year: 2017

Parents’ School Responsibilities

Parents’ School Responsibilities

This is a very useful site that gives parents ways to stay involved and help their child succeed in school. The guide stresses the importance of: ensuring good attendance creating a strong learning environment at home tracking progress reports and report cards being...

Students’ Corner

Students’ Corner

This is what Haidar Almawla, one of Stout students wanted to share with us: “It is easier to do a job than to explain why you didn’t!” He simply thinks that we should spend our energy achieving things rather than justifying our failures!

And the Winner is….

And the Winner is….

Hadeel Mawiri shared these lyrics from a song by the Beyond the Scene (BTS) band: “Kill them with success, bury them with a smile!” For that, she wins the Students’ Corner Quote of the week. Her choice of za’atar, cheese, meat, or spinach pie will be delivered to her...

Students’ Corner

Students’ Corner

Sabeha Alnakash shared this short, yet meaningful quote: “Be yourself; everyone else is taken!” Sabeha’s advice is really simple: Be genuine and be yourself. Never try to be someone else!  

No School: Tuesday, Nov. 7

No School: Tuesday, Nov. 7

Tuesday, Nov. 7th is a voting day. Schools will be closed. Enjoy it. We are sure parents cannot wait to spend more time with their kids, while teachers, bus drivers, administrators, and lunch-room staff will be anxiously waiting for Wednesday to resume their daily...