Year: 2017

PTA Entertainment Book Fundraiser online

PTA Entertainment Book Fundraiser online

Many of you are now aware of the Entertainment Book Fundraiser to support Stout Middle School PTA. Please share the following link with family and friends. The link will allow you to purchase the entertainment book online. You can even order the book delivered to the...

Students’ Corner

Students’ Corner

  Stout Middle School student, Marya Abdullah sent this quote to the Students’ Corner: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever!” The proverb is a humorous adaptation of an Arabic proverb that says, "live as if you were to die...

Back to School Community Fest: September 8, 2017

Back to School Community Fest: September 8, 2017

Click on the image to enlarge Who:        Educare4all, Educare, and Dearborn Police What:       Back to School Community Fest Date:        Friday, September 8th, 2017 Time:        5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Where:       East Parking Lot of the Dearborn Police Department...

Stout’s PTA Meetings Schedule

Stout’s PTA Meetings Schedule

Below is the Schedule for the PTA Meetings. The Membership cost is 10$ and can be turned into the PTA Mailbox in the office in an envelope. If you have any questions, Email Stout's PTA President Mrs. Nicole Barakat at or the Vice president Mr....

Some very interesting readings in the September 2017 Middle School Years bulletin. It is all about your children. Click here to download: Middle School Years - September 2017