Getting to Know One Another

In its effort to strengthen community ties among students, and in preparation for Friday’s, Oct. 20, “Know Your Classmates Day“, students and staff in their FIRST HOUR CLASSES will be asked to respond to a different question each day TUESDAY through THURSDAY. Responses will be written on labels and worn throughout the day.

Beginning Tuesday, either at the start or at the end of FIRST HOUR CLASS, teachers will display the question for that day. It will take approximately 5-7 minutes to complete the task each day. Students should write in either pen or marker so that the response can be easily read.

As students pass in the hallways or enter their classes each hour, teachers will take a moment to comment or discuss what the students have written, share their responses, and encourage students to begin discussions with other students and staff on their own.

To better understand the school’s effort, Click Getting to Know One Another  to download Mrs. Marla Wiacek presentation.