Stout Middle School News

Girls’ Volleyball Tryouts Information:

Girls who are interested in trying out for the Stout Varsity and JV Volleyball Team should attend try-outs on Tuesday Aug. 30, and Wednesday, Aug 31 from 3:30-5:15 in the Stout gym. Students who take the bus to Stout and try-out for a sport may ride the activity bus...

Stout Middle School Summer Program

We are excited to see our students back at the Stout Summer Program, which will begin on Monday, June 27, 2022. The students will be served a free breakfast and lunch at Stout starting from 8:30. AM. Students will leave Stout at 2:00 PM to return home. The information...

Have a Safe and Happy Summer!

Have a Safe and Happy Summer!

We want to wish all of our Stout students and families a safe and relaxing summer vacation. It has been a great year as we returned to in-person learning and went back to a normal routine. It was also my first year as the principal of Stout and I enjoyed each minute....